All my tamil friends made me dissapoined because nobody invited me to their home for pongal. I was very thrilled that someone will call me and can experience the biggest festival of tamil nadu. I am very disappointed with my tamil friends.
So i think mallus are better than tamilans in this matter. I have to find some good friends here in chennai.
But nobody can beat us, so i called my mallu friend who ying MBA here and we enjoyed pongal in our own way but insted of Pongal we used Chicken fry and beer insted of Payasam.
We had some session about photography in ad club. This topic is dealing by John Sudhakar one of the veteran photograher in chennai From foprtune studios.
He spoke about lighting, lenses, the relationship of Photography with advertising e.t.c. He also bought some cool cameras and lenses which cost nearly six Lakh.
I think it is one of the best job in this world. But these gadgets are very costly some decent lenses cost nearly one lakh.
Last day i visited the 32nd chennai book fair. It is conducted in the St. George's Anglo Indian School. Being a new to the chennai city it is the biggest book fair i have evern seen so far. It will take nerly 2 hr to see all the staff for casual visit. More than 200 halls is there.
But i could only find only one mallu stall of Malayala Manorama but they are using this event for making circulation for their publication. I went to book fair with my friend, he is more intrested in religious, devotional,yoga e.t.c related books which i am not intrested.

I bought two books during the second visit. Both books are sort of motivational kind of book, i think i lacks some motivation..haha. Books are "Megaliving" by Robin S. Sharma and "The 7 habits of highly effective people" by Stephen R. Covey.

Hey lets compare the crowd in these book stalls and food corner. Even books cant beat spirit for food. But the tocken system in the food corner is disgusting. We have to go & ask the price of the food in the food stall and have to take tocken then again go back to the food stall to get the food. It took nearly 20 minutes for me to get a Bhel puri.
Count down
My shared items
"To demand ''sense'' is the hallmark of nonsense; Nature does not make sense; Nothing makes sense"
- Ad Club Madras (4)
- ad film (1)
- adperday (1)
- advertising (1)
- Angadipuram Temple (1)
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- chennai (4)
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- chennai police (1)
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- day to day life (14)
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- emanuel jewellery (1)
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- photoshop (1)
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- pothys textiles (1)
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- Rubecon (1)
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- wikipedia academy (1)
- yesudas (1)