Siva lingam stone….. a real experience  

Posted by shiju

I hope you may heard about the siva lingam stone which we can find in the banks of Narmada River.

I had an experience with that stone…

Once me and my friend went for an trade exhibition in Chennai, while we are roaming there my friend got see some strange stone and bought that stone after a one hour bargaining. I was surprise that he bought that stone by giving nearly 1000 rupees.

I didn’t have any idea about that stone, after buying the stone he described the importance of that stone, it is Siva linga stone… which is rarely seen in the banks of Narmada River.And he told this stone can change our life if we could maintain it well. And he brought the stone and kept in pooja room.

From next day onwards.. that stone started to make influence on him, he got fever in the morning, but he went to job and in the evening his condition became worse, he started to say something I cant understand and then he stop talking and started to communicate with gestures.

At last he took that stones from the pooja room and kept in other place... then he started to become normal.

The reason for all that thing is that, he couldn’t maintain these stones well, as long as you keep it in a pooja room , he had to maintain it well. But he couldn’t do that.

So please be careful before you are planning to buy these stone….. if you cant look after it well……. Think twice.  

Posted by shiju

Have you ever happened to be strolling around your local buzzar (market) where you find people making small congregation near the local television store, checking out the shows and advertisements running on the TVs, just to give themselves a break from their wives’ shopping?

Such is the kind of feeling I had when I was browsing through this pretty little site, At first glance, all you shall find is a collection of advertisements of brands that you get bored of watching, every time they happen to interrupt your regular shows on TV. What impressed me about the site is that they have maintained very good video quality and have put up advertisements of a hell lot of brands, considering the fact that it’s been recently set up. The sections that one might find on the site are Mobile Phones, Fashion Accessories, Financial Services, Kitchen Appliances, Household Products and the likes.

The very first question that crossed my mind while checking out the videos is that why should one set up a website like this when one can view advertisements of almost all kinds of goods and accessories right on YouTube? Moreover, if the companies actually wish to ride on viral marketing, why wouldn’t they rather upload their videos on YouTube, free of cost, and then try to get pageviews out there. YouTube also allows their users to create channels where brands could create a sweet database of all the advertisements they had ever created for a particular commodity. In a way, that would also help increase the curiosity level of the consumer and also keep the brand in loop. Personally, I would always love to collect all the witty and over-the-top billboards Amul has ever created for its butter.

Anyway, coming back to, I felt although it might be able to attract viewers for the first few times, it shall not be able to generate loyalty. However, I was proved wrong here. I could almost feel myself getting addicted to the site. Despite working on a wireless dial-up connecion, I found myself checking out more and more videos instead of preparing this post :-). I figured, if is capable of increasing the number of advertisements being hosted on their site on a decent rate, it just might find a lot many followers.

What struck very neat to me is that guys have also created wiki pages for each and every brand of theirs, although I suspect they linked the wikis to the brands just while I was watching the videos ‘coz those links didn’t happen to exist for quite a couple of videos I had watched at the start. I guess it’s just because it’s a freshly minted site that every single wiki page was frighteningly empty, at the time I checked. One needs to get himself registered to be able to edit those pages.

My noodles experience  

Posted by shiju


One of my chat friend "Dark Lord" taught me about how to make noodles, i used to make noodles according to the description which is given in the packet. But this recipe is very different.

After a long time i entered the kitchen for making something, which happened in one sunday fortunatelly my parents went for a marriage on that day.

I started my cooking in a good pace, but i had to face many hurdles to make this one.

First hurdle is that i forget to buy carrot and beans so i had to rush to shop in the middle of cooking, i managed to buy that one without affecting the cooking.

The second thing is that my new ketchup bottle broken, i tried to open that one without using opener, but it ended up in a tragedy , unfortunately it fell down and the bottle brockened. but i could manged to get some ketchup for this prepartion.

The third one is that after my preparation the cooking gas become empty,

i have to wait my mam's response.......... i dont know how she will response but any way it was a great attempt.

Thanks for the "dark lord " for this recipe....

I sent my resignation letter....  

Posted by shiju

I sent my resigantion letter to my current employer.. it is something like this.. 3

" Dear ..........,

I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my position as ####### . My last day with the ###### will be Saturday, May 31st (Only if you are continuing with night shift, otherwise I have to leave before that).

Thank you for giving me a chance to be the part of ####### over the last one year. I feel it is a time to move onto new opportunities and challenges.

I wish you and everyone at ###### good luck in the future.

Please accept this resignation letter as a formal notice.


Something nonsense "


Posted by shiju

An Indian man walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan
officer. He tells the loan officer that he is going to India on
business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000.

The bank officer tells him that the bank will need some form of
security for the loan, so the Indian man hands over the keys to a new
parked on the street in front of the bank. He produces the title and
everything checks out. The loan officer agrees to accept the car as
collateral for the loan.

The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the
Indian for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral against a $5,000
An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari into the bank's
underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, the Indian returns, repays the $5,000 and the
interest, which comes to $15.41.The loan officer says, "Sir, we are
very happy
to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very
nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you
out and found that you are a multi millionaire. What puzzles us is, why
would you bother to borrow "$5,000"

The Indian replies: "Where else in New York City can I park my car for
two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there when I return'"

Ah, the mind of the Indian...

This is why India is shining

Amazing isn't it?

Just to Laugh :))))  

Posted by shiju

Lets read and see some thing to laugh for a while............

1... Jack & Jill went up da hill 2 have a little fun.But stupid Jill forgot da pill and now
they have a son."

2........While preparing her RESUME a young Lady wrote:
Special qualification: I am Flexible enough to Perform in all Positions.

3.........Two prostitutes were talking,
1st: We r in the best business in the world.
2nd: How?
1st: We have it, sell it, and we still have it.

4....Tension is when wife is pregnant!
Terror: When girlfriend is pregnant!
Horror: When both r pregnant!
Tragedy: When U r Not responsible 4 both!

Count down